Things You Were Too Afraid to Ask: Laurel ‘Tully’ Austin

August 15, 2008

From the colorful depths of our art department comes Laurel ‘Tully’ Austin, the shining star in this week’s episode of our on-going series of staff questionnaires. Laurel is a Concept Artist here at Splash Damage and helps shape the artistic vision for our environments, characters, equipment, and the like, and her art helps guide and inspire the rest of the development team. Not content spending the whole day creating video game worlds at the office, Laurel often spends her spare time building what people from the ’90s might refer to as totally rad maquettes (think smallish statues) of dinosaurs, demons, and whatever else tickles her fancy at the time.

To find out more about Laurel’s work, how she ended up here at Splash Damage, and her after-work demon creation extravaganzas, read her full interview in her profile. Don’t forget to surf over to our newly established outpost on Flickr where you can find all kinds of photos of Laurel’s various creations!