Things You Were Too Afraid to Ask: Jamie ‘Fishbus’ Manson
March 10, 2009
The fearless face of the latest episode of our happy meal-sized series of staff interviews is Level Designer Jamie ‘Fishbus’ Manson, who, unlike what his name may suggest, is not actually a vehicle filled with marine life. What he is, though, is the pair of hands behind the popular Team Fortress 2 map cp_steel, which has served as the battleground of choice for at least several of our lunch-time TF2 sessions. And now the man is here and making maps for whatever it is we’re working on, while being forced to talk like Sean Connery at all times.
To find out more about Jamie, how he ended up at Splash Damage, his work on cp_steel, and why he owns every Sims 2 expansion ever made, drive over to his dolphin-friendly profile.