RAD Soldiers World Cup in Review

July 29, 2014

Having topped the charts in over 90 countries, it was clear from a very early stage that RAD Soldiers’ mischievous little Mercs struck a chord on the lute of love with gamers across the globe. While millions of matches have been played, and plenty of gamers have climbed the matchmaking ladder; one question constantly kept the most hardcore of RAD warriors awake at night…

…when society implodes and the world inevitably descends into the chaotic madness found in the RAD Soldiers universe…which nation will have the one true squad to save the mankind?

With but a single thought seared into his mind, one man set about finding the answer to that very question. Rather than shy away from an impossibly complex and time consuming challenge, he rose to the occasion and went about organising the RAD Soldiers tournament to end all RAD Soldiers tournaments. Walking shoulder to shoulder with fellow monosyllabic marvels such as Cher and Prince, Paul went about getting the RAD Soldiers World Cup under way!

Forty Eight teams took to the streets of London to claim the ultimate goal of becoming RAD Soldiers’ World Champion! While a long and hard road lay ahead of them as they marched toward the finals, each player had the far more immediate problem of securing a top 2 position in their group in order to reach the double elimination tournament.

With the groups ready and raring to go, and play about to get underway; the titanic task of herding all of the cat…ehh…players into their matches fell to Paul. That task proved to be trickier than initially anticipated, with the Cup taking a whopping 8 months to crown a champion. That’s a gargantuan amount of dedication from all players and organisers involved, well done chaps!

A the end of the group stage, the following players made it through to the knockout phase, congratulations folks, that’s no mean task:

Mitsid Ranger007 ed_lcl Jacky545
drjs SuperNge WiniNiwi tinker
Ciakgb Igor-rus Roniachu Poopok

Having slogged their way through the brackets, the entire Cup had come down to the final two; all could sense that an epic match was set to take place. With Mitsid having already lost to SuperNge in the upper bracket, this was his chance for revenge, his chance to prove to the world that he is the best RAD Soldiers player out there! Mitsid’s defeat to SuperNge was the only round that he had dropped in the entire event. No one else was capable of beating him. This truly was a clash of the titans.

The scene was set, Mitsid Vs SuperNge, 8 months of fierce competition all led to that point. SuperNge came out swinging, taking game 1 in his stride. Despite his greatest efforts, Mitsid wasn’t able to sway the direction of his fortunes to take the series to a third tie-breaker match. SuperNge won! He is, as of this moment in time, the world’s best RAD Soldiers player! Congratulations SuperNge and commiserations Mitsid.

These are the top 4 players in the world!

1st: SuperNge
2nd: Mitsid
3rd: Armedmanus
4th: Tinker

We hope that everyone who took part had a blast, and would like to thank Trackbase and Paul, on behalf of the community, for hosting and running the Tournament.
Until next time!