Play Brink at the European Community Showdown

April 18, 2011

What better way to celebrate the upcoming launch of Brink that by inviting a bunch of websites down to your offices and having them face off against each other? That’s exactly what the folks at Bethesda UK were thinking and so we’ll be having a Epic European/Australian Website Throwdown of Death (actual name still to be decided) right here at the Splash Damage offices in early May.

Better yet, you will be able to join in on the action as each of the invited sites will be bringing three members of their respective communities to aid them in their quest for virtual world domination.The winning team will receive either an Xbox 360 or a PlayStation 3 along with a copy of Brink for each of its fearless warriors.

Interested? To find out how you can join up and take part in the Stopwatch madness, hit the links below for everything you need to know:

Good hunting!