Outcasters in the news

July 31, 2020

What a whirlwind! Can you believe it’s been a little over two weeks since we announced Outcasters?

We’ve been overwhelmed with the response so far, from both press and players alike, and wanted to round up some of the important stuff that’s happened.

Firstly, we wanted to pull together some of the interviews we did about Outcasters just in case you’d missed any. There’s plenty of information about Splash Damage, Stadia, and Outcasters for you to pore over:

Outcasters Screenshot

Secondly, we wanted to remind you all to jump on our social channels! We’re sharing loads of screenshots, art, and sharing all of the cool things we’re being sent by fans!

Finally, as ever, make sure you’re subscribed to our newsletter! We talk about jobs, Splash Damage things you might have missed, and, of course, Outcasters!