Ninja Theory’s Lead Gameplay Programmer Appointed SD Technical Director

January 31, 2012

We’re excited to announce that Mark Fascia, Lead Gameplay Programmer on the critically acclaimed Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, is now Splash Damage’s Technical Director. Marc will be overseeing our programming teams and guide all of our technology efforts.

This is what Splash Damage’s CEO Paul Wedgwood had to say about Marc’s appointment:

We’re hugely impressed by Marc’s combination of insane technical ability and project management skills. In particular its Marc’s obsession with fun gameplay and his personable nature that makes him the perfect person to lead our army of awesome programmers.

For more information, including Marc’s background in the industry and a bonus quote, check out the official press release.

Finally, if you missed our other big staffing announcement last week, FIFA’s ex-development director Griff Jenkins has taken up the role of Director of Production here at Splash Damage. Full details on that over here.