New Brink PC Update: Stopwatch Tweaks, MOTD, and more

July 18, 2011

We’ve just deployed a new game update for Brink to Steam, containing several improvements for Stopwatch mode and spectators, support for custom server info messages, and a few other goodies.

Notably, defending teams in Stopwatch have had their spawn timers increased by 10 seconds across the boards (plus you can customise your own bias here), while a new spectator HUD with objective progress, team colors, and player health bars makes it easier for those shoutcasting matches to keep up with the action. There’s also a significant balance change in this update, with de-hacking being decreased by another 33%.

As before, all you have to do to receive this update is being signed into your Steam client, which then does the rest.

Alongside the client update, we’ve also got new dedicated server files out, allowing you to set custom welcome messages and a few other bits of information for clients connecting to your server. If you run a server, we recommend that you update it to the new version as soon as possible if you haven’t already.

You can find the full changelog including all the new cvars after the break.

  • Balancing: Lowered Hacker terminal disarm rate to 0.6 (from 0.9)
  • Spectator mode: Added new HUD displaying objective information
  • Server Browser: Added dedicated/listen server type filter
  • Added server information to map loading screens in multiplayer. Server admins can customise this via the following cvars:
    • si_website
    • si_adminName
    • si_email
    • si_irc
    • si_motd_1
    • si_motd_2
    • si_motd_3
    • si_motd_4
  • Spectator mode: Added faction colors to player names
  • Spectator mode: Health bars now visible when looking directly at players
  • Stopwatch mode: Added 10 seconds to each defending team’s spawn time
  • Stopwatch mode: Added support for custom defence respawn timer adjustments via g_stopWatchDefenceRespawnTimerAdjust
  • Stopwatch mode: Added objective timing information to Stopwatch review screen
  • Added support for listing players steam id’s via the listSteamIds cvar
  • UI: Added automatic scrolling when typing in chat boxes
  • UI: Stop context menus receiving focus when they are disabled and inactive
  • UI: Game now forces a refresh of the notifications screen each time it is activated
  • UI: Set focus to default (first) list item each time the notifications screen is activated
  • UI: Updated two text strings for German and Italian, as “Game mode” and “Play mode” incorrectly used the same word
  • Fixed player nametags disappearing despite not being affected by Flashbang
  • Fixed boat shaking for clients in CCity and Shipyard opening cinematics
  • Fixed Aquarium only ever logging one objective being completed
  • Fixed having your weapon stuck in iron-sights for the entire refire duration when needing to perform an auto-reload
  • Fixed issue with caltrop models not always being updated properly