New Brink Hands-on Coverage Vaults, Slides, Shoots

August 27, 2010

Brink coverage from QuakeCon and gamescom continues to hit the internet in every possible way, and we’ve got the very latest batch for you right here.

The Brink Parkour Tour’s Daniel Ilabaca and his gang were in Cologne on Friday to visit Bethesda’s gamescom booth and to hang out with the local Parkour community. It all culminated in an epic traceurs vs Splash Damage match in – you guessed it – Brink, which had the Parkour folks walking away victorious after a closely fought battle. You can read all about Daniel’s day in Cologne on the Parkour Tour blog.

We’ve also had a whole bunch of new previews and interviews coming out of both events. Led by Maximum PC’s Six Reasons Why Brink May Be Your Next Multiplayer Addiction, here they are deliciously bite-sized:

Previews & Impressions


Spotted any other Brink coverage? Let us know in the comments!

Don’t forget to check out the rest of our QuakeCon and gamescom coverage if you haven’t already.