Kevin Cloud and Brandon James on Bringing ETQW to Xbox 360
April 18, 2008
Here inside Splash Damage’s hollowed out volcano, we’ve been keeping a close eye on the Xbox 360 version of Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars and it’s certainly shaping up great. Just last week we received the latest build of the game and it’s been running constantly on the Xbox 360 in the break room ever since.
Now that the console versions of ETQW are riding the certification train towards their release date at the end of May, we thought it would be a splendid idea to drag id Software’s Kevin Cloud and Nerve Software’s commander in chief Brandon James to our interrogation chamber and extract a few more bits of information about the long-awaited Xbox 360 incarnation of the game. Head on over to the ETQW Community Site to read what they had to say about the goals and challenges of bringing the game to the Xbox 360, the improvements they’ve made, achievements, and whether or not we’ll see a demo.