gamescom 2010: Hands-on Impressions, Interviews, and a Freerunner

August 24, 2010

gamescom 2010 is underway over in Cologne and throughout this week, hundreds of gamers are getting to play Brink. Better yet, freerunner Daniel Ilabaca will be all over the Bethesda booth today to promote the game and even play the odd match.

We’re delighted to see that GameStar / GamePro have nominated Brink for their Best of gamescom awards, in the Best Shooter category. The winners are chosen by their staff and will be announced later in the week.

Before we get to the rest of the Brink coverage we’ve had from the show so far, though, go check out Kotaku’s great hands-on write-up. Here’s a clip from that:

Brink is supposed to enable anyone, even bad gamers, to get that experience that normally only an elite Team Fortress 2 player might have, an experience of slick coordination in which everyone knows their role and slickly performs it. That bad player might as well have been me. And a year after Wedgwood told me Brink could deliver that opportunity, I tried the game – and – he was right.

Brink, ingeniously, works.

And now, without further ado, here’s a round-up of Brink previews and interviews from gamescom:

Previews & Impressions


Spotted any other Brink coverage from gamescom? Let us know in the comments!