Games 5s Kicks off Tomorrow, We Prepare to Bring on the Pain in Style
August 1, 2008
Admittedly we’ve been a tiny bit lax on the football update front, so we’ve got quite a bit of stuff packed into this final blog before the big Games 5s five a side football tournament. There’s a sneak peek at the team strip design, and, at last, the reveal of the winning team name!
Over the past four weeks we’ve had a variety of training sessions to help us get ready for the inevitable and merciless crushing of our competition that’s sure to take place tomorrow. Unfortunately, the injury count during practice was often quite high, which usually resulted in the office being half empty every Wednesday.
Last week, our line-up for Games 5s was chosen by the team in a democratic vote and we’re extremely proud to announce that Splash Damage will be represented by the following heroes:
Arne Olav ‘ao’ Hallingstad (Programmer)
Ben ‘Randles’ Hopkinson (IT Manager)
Flavius ‘Flawe’ Alecu (Tools Programmer)
Jiri ‘JFK’ Kristek (Production Coordinator)
Mark ‘static mover’ Lack (Senior Envirionment Artist)
Matt ‘Anti’ Lowe (Production Coordinator)
Miroslav ‘Draska’ Slowik (Level Designer)
We had a lot of submissions for the ‘Name our Squad’ contest and after much deliberation, we’ve chosen a name we think will fill the hearts of our opponents with the appropriate amount of fear. The Splash Damage football squad shall henceforth be known as *drum roll* Fire Team Alpha. The winning submission came from mortis who will receive a copy of the Official ETQW Strategy Guide signed by the entire development team along with a Razer Tarantula keyboard.
We’ll leave you with a first look at the jerseys our team will be doing their football-playing in. Look for a recap of the tournament along with plenty of photos next week!