Friday Splashdown – Free Cases, GoW Art and more!
August 14, 2015
What’s been happening in the land of Splash this week? Free Elite Cases in Dirty Bomb, Ed getting his Aus on, sneak peeks at Gears of War: Ultimate Edition’s environments, and more besides. Read on!
Dirty Bomb
Free Elite Case Saturday

With Redeye happily settled in Dirty Bomb with his fellow Mercs, we felt it was time to give a special little something to all of our dedicated players. Running this weekend, from 17:00 UTC Saturday 15th to 17:00 UTC Sunday 16th, any player that logs in to Dirty Bomb will receive an Elite Case to open up and enjoy the goodies inside. Make sure to write it in your diaries and let us know what Loadout Card you managed to grab over on our Facebook and Twitter.
Earlier this week we came across a video made by Howto Sniff where he shows us just how much fun you can have with Fletcher. In his video, he takes his favourite Sticky Bomb toting Merc on a joyous rampage through London, landing countless explosives on enemies and watching their giblets fly.
Kotaku Australia

Our lead writer Ed Stern had a chat with Kotaku Australia about his experiences in Australia and how he used this inspiration to help mould Redeye, the smoke wielding, galah flaming sharpshooter of Dirty Bomb. For the full interview, click here and enjoy.
Gears of War: Ultimate Edition
Remastering Gears of War – Environments
The day we can get our hands on Gears of War: Ultimate Edition is fast approaching and the web is buzzing with play-throughs and screenshots. One of our favourites is the latest behind-the scenes video from Gears of War, which gives an insight into updating the destroyed beauty of the original game.
There we have it! If there was any other big Dirty Bomb or Gears of War: Ultimate Edition news we missed, let us know in the comments below.
And as always, stay fresh!
– shoe.