Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars is Four Years Old!

October 3, 2011

Break out the Stroyent and your intergalactic party hats – Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars is an incredible four years old! Released on September 28, 2007 in Europe and on October 2 in the US, ETQW as we’ve come to call it not only provided an excellent way for human/Strogg conflict resolution, but also marked Splash Damage’s first full retail release. In the past four years, we’ve seen a staggering 1.6 million player accounts, millions of matches, as well as closely fought tournaments and a ton of user-created content. We’d like to extend a huge thank you goes out to everyone who’s been part of the Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars community, the game server providers, and our partners that helped make the game happen in the first place – we wouldn’t be here today without you.

To celebrate, look for some special Enemy Territory nuggets to come out of the Splash Damage vaults in the coming weeks. We’ll also be stopping by a few QUAKE Wars servers to SpawnHost and be SpawnHosted – more information on that soon.

Lastly, if you’re wondering what that photo at the top of this post is all about, it’s the ETQW crew having its final briefing the morning of the game’s first-ever E3 showing, including id Software’s Kevin ‘Bitterman’ Cloud and Splash Damage founders Paul ‘Locki’ Wedgwood, Arnout ‘RR2DO2’ van Meer, and Richard ‘Fluffy_gIMp’ Jolly. Oh, the memories.