Editorials, Previews, Police All Present in Latest Brink Coverage

August 27, 2010

Just in time for Bank holiday weekend here in the UK, we’ve rounded up the very latest Brink coverage from gamescom 2010 and beyond, and this one’s got a little bit of everything.

Before we get to the latest batch of previews, X360 Magazine here in the UK have compiled their Top 5 gamescom Surprises, with Brink topping the list. They even go as far as calling it their “game of the show by some distance”, so we’re pretty chuffed by that.

Elsewhere, GameZone has an editorial titled Brink and the Parkour Revolution, looking at Brink’s SMART system and how we may see similar freedom of movement systems showing up in many more shooters in the future.

Speaking of Parkour, if you’re not checking the Brink Parkour Tour’s blog regularly, you definitely should. Daniel Ilabaca’s latest exploits include mass jams with some 200 traceurs and even getting arrested by Austrian Police – seems like excitement is the order of the day over there.

Finally, the boys over at Polycount have taken a rather long look at the artistic side of Brink and produced a great piece about the game’s unique art style.

And now, here’s the latest batch of Brink hands-on previews from gamescom:

Previews & Impressions

Did you manage to spot anything else? Let us know in the comments!

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