Dirty Bomb Presents… The Phoenix Update

September 9, 2015

We have a wealth of new features making their way into this update including Player Reporting and Private Matches, but also the new Merc Phoenix will be bringing his friendly Nanites to town.

New Merc: Phoenix

Phoenix is a Doctor. A healer. A saver of lives. An arrogant bastard who broke his Hippocratic Oath ten minutes into his first surgery and thought self-replicating nanomachines would be an exceptional instrument for face-lifts and nose-jobs. After the Spanish medical community banished him for ethical violations bordering on mad science, Phoenix has risen again, finding his way to London to see what his special little friends can do on the battlefield.

His prototype nanites mend the wounds of himself and his nearby allies, and trigger the ability that lends him his name. More offensive-minded than Aura and Sparks, Phoenix heals his teammates by being right in the thick of things.

Player Reporting (Alpha)

Player Reporting

While we’re keeping it as up-to-date as possible, our new anti-cheat system NGS is only one layer of protection. To support NGS, we are adding in the much-requested Player Reporting system. Accessible by right-clicking on another player’s name in the scoreboard, doing so will send a report to our team.

Due to the high impact of this system, Player Reporting is being released in an Alpha state. While we will be punishing players in submitted reports as soon as possible, we do ask that you remain patient as we gather data and tweak the system’s parameters.

Private Matches (Alpha)

Private Matches

Want to set up scrims with friends to practice strats, or defend your team’s honor against your rivals? The new Private Matches feature lets you organize your own match, invite members of your Steam Friends list, select whichever Map and Game Mode you want, and more!

Earning is disabled in Private Matches, turning off XP, Credits, Equipment Cases and Missions.

We’re releasing Private Matches in Alpha in order to better test the systems involved, as all matches played through Private Matches will still be on our dedicated servers. If you have any feedback, or encounter any problems, please let us know on the official Dirty Bomb Forums.

Friendly Fire (Private Matches Only)

Private Matches will give you the option to enable our new Friendly Fire setting. No standing in Airstrike territory or sending an Orbital Laser careening over the map willy nilly, your teammates will take damage from almost every source. Even more, allied players will have full collision with you, preventing you from running through them and their deployables.

As the scramble to finish and revive incapacitated players is a staple of Dirty Bomb, Friendly Fire does not apply to friendly incapacitated players. Defibrillators will also never harm friendly players.

We’re also trialing a punishment system for players abusing the Friendly Fire rules. When you are killed by one of your teammates, you will be prompted to sound off on the death.

New Premium Cases

This update brings five new premium Loadout Card Cases, giving you more options and better chance of getting a Loadout Card for the Merc you want!

Elite Cases A and B

Elite Cases

The Elite Case has been split up into two separate Cases, each containing Loadout Cards for half of the Mercs in Dirty Bomb. There’s no change in price, no change in Loadout Card quality or odds, just a better chance of getting a Loadout Card for the Merc you want, still for US $4.99 (or local equivalent)!

Elite Case Rarity

Expert Cases A, B and C

Expert Cases

We’re also introducing an all-new set of Loadout Cases, the Expert Cases, which splits the Mercs into three groups. These new crates only cost US $2.49 per Case and can reward Loadout Cards from Bronze up to Cobalt rarity!

Expert Case Rarity

For the full rundown of the latest patch, check it out on the forum here!