Dirty Bomb Presents… Fine Tuning – October Update
October 7, 2015
It’s been nearly four months since Dirty Bomb hit Open Beta. Since then, we’ve released four new Mercs, furthered development of the prototype Dome Map and Execution Mode, added new features like Private Matches and new varieties of servers, made countless improvements and enough balance changes to keep Dirty Bomb as competitive as it can be… and the best is yet to come.
We’re working on a major update, the biggest we’ve had since Dirty Bomb entered Open Beta, but we still need more time to get it ready. As such, October’s Fine Tuning update is coming now, containing a few improvements and another selection of balance changes and bug fixes. Stay tuned as we get deeper into October for more info about what’s coming up, and in the meantime enjoy October’s Fine Tuning Update.
New Feature: Loadout Trade-In
Have a few Loadout cards you don’t want to use, but don’t want to bump up the rarity? The new Loadout Trade-In system will let you trade in cards of the same rarity, from Bronze through Cobalt, for a random Loadout Card for the Merc of your choice at the same rarity.

None of the Loadouts traded in can be for the Merc you’re crafting a card for. Apart from that, any of your owned Loadout Cards can be traded in giving you a great use for all of those unwanted Loadouts.
NOTE: We will be adding additional functionality to this feature in the future based on your feedback, including trading in cards for the same Merc you wish to obtain.
Private Matches Min. Players Reduced to 5
After getting a lot of feedback from our players on Private Matches, it became clear that many of you wanted to have the minimum players required reduced from 6 to 5 so you could practice strats with your team. We have listened to your cries and done just that, so now you can jump into a server with your 5-man team and come up with your plans to take down sick6.
Removed Secondary Objective Missions

That’s right, they’re out of here!! (Credit to /u/UltraWideGamer for the source image)
For the full rundown of the latest patch, check it out on the forum here!