Brink Previews From Around The World
October 16, 2009
Just in time for the weekend, here’s a round-up of Brink previews from the UK and elsewhere in Europe. PC Zone’s Steve Hogarty has written up a great four-pager on the game that can be found in the current issue, drizzled throughout with quotes from Game Director Paul “Locki” Wedgwood and Senior Game Designer Ed “BongoBoy” Stern. Better yet (and most convenient for those without access to UK newsstands), the entire thing can now be found online over at GamesRadar.
In more international news, there are a few more gamescom write-ups we haven’t mentioned yet, and since bulleted lists are utterly handy for this sort of thing, we’ve assembled one below:
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If you’ve spotted a Brink write-up we’ve so far managed to ignore, please let us know in the comments.