Brink Coverage Round-up: Pre-PAX Edition

March 9, 2011

Game ReactorThe effects of February’s Brink press tour are still being felt across the internet, with a number of new previews and interviews appearing online. The latest issue of the iPad edition of Game Reactor magazine deserves a special mention right up front, featuring a bunch of Brink goodness including their hands-on impressions and an interview with Lead Writer Ed ‘Bongoboy’ Stern. It’s also got Brink’s The Freak archetype right on the front for that extra bit of style.

Hungry for more? Check out the list below for the latest hands-on impressions:

But that’s not all – we’ve also got a handful of new interviews with three of the minds behind the game:

That’s it for now. We’re off to PAX in the morning – we’ll keep you updated via the Splash Damage Twitter while we’re out there, so be sure to follow that if you don’t already. See you at PAX!