Brink Coverage Round-up: PAX East and Beyond

March 17, 2011

PAX East has come and gone, and it was an absolutely fantastic show for Brink. With queues stretching to up to six hours and a community event that was completely full over an hour before it even started, interest in the game was about as high as it gets. Many hundreds of people got to play the game over the three days of the show – a lot of them coming through two or three times over the course of the show. The response has been utterly great and we’d like to throw a general thank you out there to everyone who stopped by and those who helped make it all happen.

If you couldn’t make it out to PAX East, we recommend checking out forum member Maawdawg’s super-detailed write-up over at The Brink Forum. It’s not only full of Brink impressions, but also gives you a pretty good idea of what the show was like for those heeding the call of Brink. In other PAX East news, we’re delighted to see that Brink made Strategy Informer’s Top 10 Games of PAX East, vaulting straight into the #3 position and making it the highest-placed shooter on the list.

But that’s not all – there are plenty of other new write-ups from PAX East and even the preceding Brink press tour. Here’s a list:

In addition to getting some hands-on time with Brink, we also had plenty of people stop by to interview members of the development team. If Q&As make you happy, have a look at these:

Expect more coverage from PAX East in the coming days!