Brink Coverage Round-up: GameTrailers TV and Beyond

April 8, 2011

The weekend is very nearly upon us and we’ve amassed the very latest Brink coverage from around the internet for you to take with you. First up is the latest episode of GameTrailers TV, which includes a great segment on Brink featuring Game Director Paul ‘Locki’ Wedgwood along with all-new gameplay footage showing off the previously rarely glimpsed Aquarium environment.

You can either catch the full episode via the embed below or jump straight to the Brink segment in high resolution over on GameTrailers.

Elsewhere, Obnoxious Gamer looks at four must-have games for the Xbox 360, and we’re delighted to see Brink on this rather exclusive list. We’ve also had a bunch of new hands-on previews, including print heavyweights Official Xbox Magazine and PC Gamer:

Finally, Brink’s Creative Director Richard ‘Rahdo’ Ham and Lead Writer Ed ‘BongoBoy’ Stern have both been hitting the interview circuit, with the resulting (and rather lengthy) Q&As awaiting your perusal below:

Phew. That’s it for this latest Brink coverage round-up. Have you spotted any other coverage? Let us know in the comments!