Brink Coverage Round-up: A Little Bit of Everything

November 15, 2010

Ahoy – it’s the latest coverage round-up for Brink, bringing the latest interviews, previews, and other noteworthy bits.

Our first pit stop today is Dealspwn, where other than Game Director Paul ‘Locki’ Wedgwood is quizzed extensively about all things Brink. Elsewhere, Platform 32 has a 10 minute special feature on Brink also featuring copious amounts of Paul along with tons of information about the game. You can even win a Brink t-shirt signed by Paul himself at the end of it.

In an entirely different corner of the web, PS3 Attitude’s unstoppable series of Brink diaries continues with a look at classes, upgrades, and body types before a separate installment examines the story behind the game in rather great detail.

Finally, connoisseurs of previews get their share as well, with The Dolphin serving up a new write-up about Brink.

Spotted any other Brink coverage? Post it up in the comments!